Friday, 22 November 2013

What about 2013?

When it comes to this year nothing really big has happened to me...maybe a good thing that have happened is that nothing wrong have happened hahaha. I'm more close to my friends, especially to my girls from college. My dad's fine, also my sister and through my grandma has several pains she is fine (and alive), I have a home, food, a bed and I can take a comforting shower whenever I want... so I'm pretty great!.
 I don't really remember any serious situation that didn't go so well. I think there were little situations that went wrong like, for example, doing homeworks with people you don't know and you don't know how they work...also my plan for going to college every morning Monday didn't go so well. 
My most important achievement this year is I stopped smoking cigarettes!! It was bad for my health, lately made me feel bad specifically in my stomach. At first was so hard to quit it because a lot of my friends or people where I went to party smoke but then when someone offers you a cigarette and you feel strong and capable of saying "no, thanks" it's so much easier. Another little achievement it's I stopped biting my nails...from this problem I'm not entirely rehabilitated because when I'm stressed with university one hand loses it nails jijiji. 
One thing I still don't do it's going to the south were I go every summer and I hate the waiting! but I went to Punta Arenas for the first time and also had my first flight, I had a really great time there, we met beautiful places like the city, the cemetery and Torres del Paine. In this last place I drank pisco with real and natural ice!! with ice from the glaciers!. It's pretty stupid feel so great about it but if you think about it, it's interesting and a once in a lifetime thing to do hahaha. 
 Finally, this year we have to decide who's going to be our president, like I though it would happen people voted for the same liars...not giving a chance for new ideas or ways to do politics. I can understand those who didn't voted for their ideals or because they believe nothing will ever change (I though like them too) but, come on! It does matter for who you vote...I mean, for me there's two ways for being happy and having the life we all want, one it's voting, marching, and occupying schools and universities and the other one it's a real real I mean taking the power back.  

Saturday, 9 November 2013

My music preferences

Although my music preferences have always changed as the years pass by, the radio shows new artists, my social circles change or my sister and friends are slowly manifesting their own musical tastes exist in me a mechanism that selects what I like and what bores me. I also acknowledge just a couple of years ago I'm at this point where I like to listen to what either it's lyrics, or the melody, or rhythm (or all three) makes me feel good and makes my body dance.
When I was little I liked the music that was heard and danced at family parties and also those popular bands like Backstreet boys and Spice girls. I remember it was a shared taste with my cousins which made ​​it entertaining see their music videos and sing (at that time with my disgusting english and not knowing what the lyrics said). Then there is a phase closer to pre-adolescence, where I focused on listening styles closer to rock (especially bands from U.S.A) and spent several years missing any "other music" to which I never paid attention because in one hand I believed I was tough (and that kind of music was my style, a static music taste), on the other hand I believed it was better, more credible, I liked only one kind of music. Oh boy I was so wrong!.
Finally, I have also learned to listen to the radio every day, either by updating myself with new music and because I prefer to hear the variety of music offered there. Another thing I've realized It's I love live music, I mean, there's a special thing about experience songs right there with the harmony between the singer and the band instead of just listening to a recording.